Required Disclosures

Public Records Requests

Public records requests can be made in several ways. To make a public records request contact Richard Williams in one of the following ways.

  • By email:
  • By phone: 850-633-2732
  • By mail:
                             Richard Williams
                             4636 Highway 90 East, Suite K
                             Marianna, Fl. 32446
  • In Person by going to our Marianna location and ask for Richard Williams
You are not required to identify yourself or provide a reason for the request.


Stevens Amendment

Projects or programs funded in whole or in part with federal grant money must credit the federal government for the federal government’s portion of the financial support.

This web page citation informs the public that the use of federal dollars by CareerSource Chipola meets the Stevens Amendment requirement. Federal funds are used to fund in whole or part the following:

  • Training and Outreach Materials
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs targeting youth, adults, and dislocated workers
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
  • Software Licenses/Technology
  • Equipment
  • Client Support Services
  • Professional Development for Staff
  • Salaries for staff
  • Costs as determined by a state approved cost allocation plan and allowable under terms of the funding sources.
  • Other services and items deemed necessary for the successful operation of CareerSource Chipola in carrying out the organization’s mission


Notice of Meetings

All CareerSource Chipola meetings are open to the public and a record of each meeting will be made. Board members are not allowed to discuss board business with other board members unless they are in an officially noticed public meeting.

Meetings are listed in advance and an agenda is posted prior to the meeting. Minutes of each meeting are also posted within fifteen (15) days of approval by the Board of Directors.

All items required for the Notice of Meetings, agendas, and minutes can be found here.


Copies of Contracts

CareerSource Chipola is required to post a plain language version of all contracts estimated to exceed $35,000. In addition, CareerSource Chipola is required to post active agreements with other local workforce development boards.

Such contracts will remain posted while in effect. Contracts or agreements that have been completed will be removed no earlier than the end of the program year after the contract or agreement is completed, terminated, or otherwise no longer active.

A program year starts July 1 of each year and ends on June 30 of the following year.

All required contracts and agreements can be found here.



CareerSource Chipola board of directors passes an annual budget that may be viewed here. The approved budget was also signed as approved by the Chief Elected Official as a representative of the CareerSource Chipola Consortium comprised of representatives from the county commission of each member county. The budget posted includes budget highlights that cover major discussion points that help form the budget. The board may make certain decisions during the program year impacting the budget when the board deems such decisions are in the best interest of the taxpayer and those we serve.


Board Members

CareerSource Chipola is required to list all board members, the company or organization they represent, and their terms of service. This list of board members can be found here.

CareerSource Chipola board members are appointed in one of two ways.

Each county in the region served by CareerSource Chipola appoints three private sector members to the board of directors. These private sector members must have a management role in the private sector. When an opening occurs, CareerSource Chipola provides a notice to the chamber of commerce that represents the county with the opening. The local chamber of commerce then forwards the name of an individual or individuals to their Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners then appoints private sector members to represent the county on the CareerSource Chipola board of directors. Once appointed by a Board of County Commissioners no further action to approve the appointment is necessary. Private sector members must comprise a majority of the CareerSource Chipola board of directors’ membership.

The CareerSource Chipola board of directors also contains members that are not appointed to represent the private sector. These members are considered At-large members and are appointed by the five-county workforce consortium. The workforce consortium is comprised of one representative from each county. When an opening occurs for an At-large board membership CareerSource Chipola will take one of the following steps to secure nominations for the open position.

If the open position is connected directly to a required partner the required partner is notified of the opening and requested to provide a nomination for board membership. A nomination from a required partner is submitted to the workforce consortium for approval. Final appointment of a member from a required partner is still subject to approval of the workforce consortium. If a nomination is not accepted by the workforce consortium the required partner will be notified and asked to submit a different name for consideration by the workforce consortium.

If the open position is not connected directly to a required partner CareerSource Chipola shall seek nominations from organizations representing the required membership. Once adequate time has been given for organizations to submit nominations all nominations will be forwarded to the workforce consortium for approval. If the workforce consortium fails to approve any of the nominations for membership the process will be repeated until a nomination is accepted by the workforce consortium.

Once a member is appointed by the workforce consortium no further action is need to approve the individual as a member of the CareerSource Chipola board of directors.

Each member of the CareerSource Chipola Board of Directors as well as the Executive Director, if not otherwise required to file a full and public disclosure of financial interests with the Commission of Ethics under s. 8, art. II of the State Constitution or s. 112.3144 FS, shall file a statement of financial interests under s. 112.3145 FS. Currently, all CareerSource Chipola Board members and the Executive Director are in compliance with this requirement. Disclosures or statements may be reviewed by contacting the Supervisor of Elections Office in the county of the members’ and Board staffs’ residence and submitting a public records request. A list of filings by organization can be found here.

Members of the board may be removed by the appointing body or by the CareerSource Chipola board of directors for failure to comply with local or state or federal law, board policy, or failure to attend meetings. Members of the board are also removed if they no longer are qualified represent the membership category for which they were appointed.


Interlocal Agreements

CareerSource Chipola enters into an interlocal agreement with each of the five counties served by CareerSource Chipola. All five Interlocal Agreements are identical. These agreements outline the responsibilities and duties of each county and CareerSource Chipola. The Interlocal Agreement can be found here.


Single Audit and Form 990

CareerSource Chipola is required to post the Single Audit of the organization for the last two years. This audit is conducted by a firm selected by CareerSource Chipola as required by state policy. CareerSource Chipola is also required to post the two most recent IRS Form 990 submissions. The previous two years of audits and the two most recent IRS Form 990 can be found here.



Individuals enrolled in workforce programs should follow the complaint procedure as outlined in the information provided upon enrollment in the program. Individuals wishing to file a complaint that are not enrolled in a workforce program should send the written complaint to the Executive Director by mail, email, or in person.

The contact information for the Executive Director is:

CareerSource Chipola
Attn: Richard Williams
4636 Highway 90
Marianna, Fl. 32446



Employee Positions/ Required Salary Information

CareerSource Chipola is required to post information for each board position. This information for the previous three years can be found here. Required Executive level filing can be found here.


Whistle Blower/Sarbanes-Oxley

Employees have a duty to report, verbally or in writing, promptly and confidentially, any evidence of any improper practice of which they are aware. Reports of improper practice should be submitted directly to the Executive Director except when the alleged impropriety appears to involve the Executive Director. In cases that involve, or suspected to involve, the Executive Director reports are to be directly to or referred to the Chair of the CareerSource Chipola Board of Directors.

Cases that involve, or are suspected to involve, both the Chair of the CareerSource Chipola Board of Directors and the Executive Director shall be reported to any other member of the Board of Directors.

It is illegal to punish whistleblower or retaliate against any employee who reports suspected cases of fraud or abuse.

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